Book Review: Pieties By Marc Ruvolo

“Andrew stared out the window at the dark blur of the passing trees… ‘I’m gay, for chrissakes. In a place that hates gays.’” – Marc Ruvolo, Pieties In 1981, Andrew, diagnosed with a debilitating illness labelled as GRID or Gay Related Immune Deficiency (later renamed AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), undergoes a significant lifestyle shift, bidding […]

Review: The Return by Brad Boney

THIS BOOK wrecked me emotionally. It’s the only novel where after reading a harrowing, heart-wrenching chapter, I went to my husband and genuinely cried. I’m not a naturally sappy person, so to have read something that caused that kind of deep, guttural reaction in me is a powerful thing. The Return is told in the […]