Book Review: The Art Series by Andrew Grey

The Art Series Collection IN FOUR gripping novels, author Andrew Grey brings to life an incredible journey of resilience, determination, and the pursuit of justice. Grey skillfully intertwines the worlds of art, intrigue, and romance in this captivating series he has said was inspired by the real-life story of Maria Altmann. Maria, an elderly Jewish […]

Book Review: Pieties By Marc Ruvolo

“Andrew stared out the window at the dark blur of the passing trees… ‘I’m gay, for chrissakes. In a place that hates gays.’” – Marc Ruvolo, Pieties In 1981, Andrew, diagnosed with a debilitating illness labelled as GRID or Gay Related Immune Deficiency (later renamed AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), undergoes a significant lifestyle shift, bidding […]

Queer Poetry Collection Review: Circumference by Mark Ward

“It begins with letting him win / allowing him to see what’s within / without knowing if he’s kin.” – Mark Ward, Circumference (2018) ADMITTEDLY, I have never been a huge modern poetry connoisseur. I appreciate the power poetry has to express human emotion and tell stories more lyrically and fluidly than fiction; still, I’ve […]


Benjamin Kissell: “I have the standing rule that unless I, as the author, state in-text otherwise, assume ALL of my characters fall somewhere in the LGBTQIA+ rainbow.”   I’d like to welcome Benjamin Kissell to the BLOG. A native of Fredericksburg, VA, Benjamin is the author of the epic Queer Fantasy Novel, A Queen of Blood […]